Glenkens News
The acclaimed ‘Why not Scotland’ Film comes to the Glenkens
The latest feature-length documentary from ‘Scotland: The Big Picture’ has been touring the country in recent months and is coming to the CatStrand on 6th June at 7.30pm.
Galloway Food Hub features on Landward
The Galloway Food Hub welcomed the BBC Scotland's Farming and Nature programme Landward behind the scenes for their packing day in early April.
All about goats and cheese making at Carsphairn SWI
Melissa introduced Irene McCreath who along with her daughter Naomi had brought along four very special visitors. Members were invited to go outside where they were introduced to Fleur, Alex, Penelope and George.
No news is good news. Or is it?
The Glenkens Gazette is a member of Scottish Beacon, a platform created to raise the voices of hyper local publications like the Gazette.
Social group release Soup Book to fundraise for Stepping Stones Community Larder and Foodbank
The Social Group has collated all the recipes into a booklet and they are on sale in the Carsphairn Tearooms and the Heritage Centre at a cost £5, the proceeds going to The Community Larder & Food Bank Charity at Stepping Stones in Castle Douglas.
Glenkens communities move forward on education and learning
March saw Dumfries and Galloway Council Elected Members approve a Motion to halt the mothballing of any secondary schools across the region until a robust policy on mothballing was created that took into account the wider socio-economic impacts of such a decision.
Inclusive exercises at Carsphairn SWI
Sam Rushton visited Carsphairn SWI and introduced the group to inclusive musical exercises.
Join The Flames at the CatStrand
Tricky Hat Productions is welcoming people aged over 50 to join their performance company The Flames, to create a show that challenges preconceived ideas about how older people think and what their aspirations are.
Announcement from the Glenkens Community Shop
Grant Application Forms will be available to collect from the Shop from this week (Monday 15th April 2024).
Easter Egg-citement in Carsphairn
Children of Carsphairn and the wider Glenkens enjoyed an egg-citing Easter fun day in Carsphairn on Saturday 30th March.
Theft from Mossdale village
The car park collection box in Mossdale village has been stolen, robbing the community of a valuable source of funds.
Working together for the future of Glenkens education
Over the past few months communities across the Glenkens have been galvanised into action as a result of the proposed recommendation by D&G Education Department to mothball Dalry Secondary.
School mothballing halted: Victory for local campaigners!
United community action has successfully halted Council plans to mothball Dalry Secondary School without consultation.
Call for immediate cessation of the mothballing of secondary schools
Call for Dumfries and Galloway Council Elected Members to vote in favour of the Motion from Dougie Campbell and Andy McFarlane calling for an immediate cessation of the mothballing of secondary schools and for the development of a region-wide mothballing policy that takes account of the socio-economic implications of such a decision.
Baking and recipe share at Carsphairn SWI
The gathering took a different format this month as all members provided baking to be tasted and brought the recipe along.
Glenkens Food Month 2024 planning meeting announced
It is that time of year again when our thoughts turn towards Glenkens Food Month! This year it will again be September.
Glenkens Community Spaces Network reflects on a positive first year
The Glenkens Community Spaces Network (GCSN), which held its first meeting in January 2023, was created in order to bring the voluntary committees who run and maintain our community halls and centres across the Glenkens.
MUGA plans move forward
Dalry's Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) could be a step closer to being brought back into use thanks to the efforts of volunteers from the Dalry Community Properties Trust (DCPT).
Come and meet the Loch Ken Ranger Service
The Loch Ken Ranger Service is holding an open ‘Meet the Ranger Service Event’ in advance of the Season ahead.
Glenkens education: alternative ideas
No school means be careful the post office, surgery, garage and arts centre next and then an oldie lonely community with just a few contractors coming in looking after the trees and wind farms.
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