Galloway National Park Proposal

In July 2024 the Scottish Government selected Galloway as a possible location for a new National Park, and indicated that there would be a consultation on the proposal. No final decision will be made until 2026.

GCAT and the Glenkens Hub do not have a position on the National Park itself, but we think that the best outcome for our communities will come from wide and well-informed discussion.

To support meaningful engagement with the issues, we have brought together the relevant official documents on this page and will update this page with details of the NatureScot consultation process as they become available.


11 September 2024 - Interactive Galloway National Park Information Hub launched by NatureScot to share key facts and information about the proposal, and gather participants thoughts via the interactive map, surveys and meetings.

24 August 2024 - Galloway National Park website updated setting out their views on the challenges the area faces.

19 August 2024 - NatureScot have started the Park consultation process and will be contacting as many stakeholder groups as possible over the next 6-8 weeks before the formal 12 week consultation begins in November. Information will also be posted out to all households in the bid area and its surroundings.  If you are a member of any local organisation that may want to be involved, ask them to contact NatureScot at:



NatureScot Briefing for Community Councils

(click image to download)

The Bid for a new National Park from GNPA and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere

(click image to download)