Rural education: A foundation for thriving communities

A high-quality educational provision is essential for sustaining thriving rural communities - it attracts and retains working families and so underpins the local economy. However, rural areas face unique challenges in this provision, especially in the context of urban-driven models of centralisation and cost-per-pupil metrics.

Because of these challenges, the Glenkens and District Trust commissioned a review into rural education in the Glenkens, to provide an evidence base for creative but practicable solutions: A review of rural education in the Glenkens

The report by CoDeL highlights:

Rural Education Review
  • Findings from national and international research on rural education.

  • Case studies with practical strategies to address these challenges.

  • Evidence linking school closure to rural depopulation, emphasising that education isn’t just a stand-alone service but an under-pinning of rural communities and economies.

The report makes it clear that without a strong educational provision, it is increasingly difficult to attract families, fill workforce needs or sustain sector-specific skills critical to rural areas.

Work by the Glenkens Community Action Plan Steering Group and other interested community groups on this challenging but important topic continues. See the Education and Learning page for more details. 


Celebrating energy efficiency in the Glenkens


Paper flower making at Carsphairn SWI