Free Climate Hub workshops in August

In August Dumfries & Galloway Climate Hub will put on 2 free workshops called Letter Writing for Political Engagement.

Paperboats Workshop poster

They will be facilitated by author and environmental scientist Sandy Winterbottom who represents, a Scotland-based collective of writers focussed on nature and environment in a time of climate and ecological breakdown.

This workshop aims to:

  • Get people talking about the climate and ecological emergency.

  • Connect with their own feelings and experiences of climate and ecological change.

  • Share those feelings with their political representatives.

In the UK, about 60% of people agree we are facing a ‘climate emergency’ but will rarely talk about it, especially to political representatives. Six in ten people say they rarely or never discuss it with family or friends. This informal, silent agreement not to talk about a topic that can feel frightening, distant or uncomfortable is known as ‘climate silence’.

Day-to-day conversations are a part of social change. As people, we are deeply influenced by those around us – what we see them doing, and the conversations we have with them. And if we are not talking to our politicians about the climate and ecological emergency, they are unlikely to prioritise action on it.

Paper boat project

For accessibility the same workshop will be repeated in 2 locations:

Tuesday 20th August, 2-3.30pm The Stove Network, Dumfries (info & tickets)

Wednesday 21st August, 10.30-12noon Quarrymen’s Arts Centre, Creetown (info & tickets)

Pen and paper is all that’s needed. Tea and coffee will be provided. Free but please book your place via the links.  

Dumfries and Galloway Climate Hub


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